Sunday, January 18, 2015

[TV SHOW REVIEW] 2 Broke Girls - CBS


This time I'll be reviewing a sitcom that is currently on its 4th season: 2 Broke Girls.

The show is about, well, two broke girls, Caroline Channing and Max Black, working as weitresses in a diner in Brooklyn, New York.

It is fun to watch their unsual friendship, since Max, according to her, raised herself, while Caroline was born rich, but saw everything fall apart when her father was caught in a Ponzi scheme. The language is simple and filled with innuendos.

In my opinion is currently even better than Two and a Half Man please don't hate me.

The only bad thing I'd say about this show, is that sometimes the "comedy lines" feel a little too obvious. But some might like it or not be too bothered by it, like me.

So if you don't want to commit too much into watching a new tv show but still feels like needing to laugh a little, I certainly recommend 2 Broke Girls.


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If you have any suggestions or complaints, please let me know.

Thank you for reading; until the next review guys, xo 

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[TV SHOW REVIEW] 2 Broke Girls - CBS
4/ 5